Thursday, January 3, 2008

Falling Asleep

Well, I did it again. I went to bed the other night with the best of intentions to pray. However, during the middle of the prayer, I must have drifted off to sleep. I woke up feeling guilty that I didn't have enough energy to speak to my Father, bringing before Him my praises and the desires of my heart. It was then that I remembered something that a dear friend told me years ago. She said that we should not be ashamed when we drift off to sleep during prayer. After all, we are speaking to our Father while we are snuggled up in comfy, warm blankets and a cozy house provided by Him. He is a father who is our biggest fan, who loves us no matter what our situation, and who loves that we have made Him the last person that we want to say goodnight to. She painted a picture in my mind that I have always loved. She told that it was times that we fall asleep in prayer that we have climbed into our Daddy's lap and been so safe and secure that we have simply nodded off fallen asleep.

I have promised myself to make more of a commitment to pray throughout the day... but if I should be sitting on my Father's lap, like every child of God can, I will not feel guilty if I should happen to fall asleep.

1 comment:

Nimrod K said...

I've never thought of it that way before. I've always felt bad about falling asleep. I like the attitude of falling asleep in my fathers arms, and He's the last person I've spoken with that day. Maybe it's more than just OK, maybe it's the best way to end each day. Thanks for posting, it changed my mind a little about prayer.