Thursday, February 28, 2008

Old Testament

I have really been enjoying the podcasts. Thank you podcast marshall Mike! I love how your personality comes through. You are so very funny.

My favorite has been the parts featuring the Old Testament. There are so many amazing stories that took place so long ago yet are so relevant for us today. You do a very good job of giving an overview that kind of ties everything together. Growing up as a kid I heard most of the main stories but we jumped all around so it was really helpful to me how you helped things to fit into a timeline of sorts.

As far as what I'd like to hear.......................I'm good with anything! Lots of help right?????


Ric said...

I've been enjoying them too... I get an opportunity to listen to every one and they're really worth it!

One thing I thought would be cool is to take a character from the Bible and spend a couple of weeks on them. (or maybe one if it's short)

I've always been amazed how much I'm like people in the Bible... getting it sometimes, missing the mark most. But always growing. :)

Dixie said...

Podcast Marshall Mike??? I wonder what THAT uniform would look like?

Nimrod K said...

It looks alot like an outfit that David Lee Roth wore in concert years ago.

Christie said...

Oh my word! Please not a David Lee Roth outfit! I think that always included spandex of some sort. Yikes!

Nimrod K said...

Hey spandex is the new sackcloth. It's just that only one big guy wears it in front of all the sinners for their punishment, rather than everyone wearing their own. That's what Jeff and I will be wearing this Sunday.

Dixie said...

I remember David Lee Roth wearing a leather vest with no shirt, and leather chaps with lots and lots of tassley things down the legs.

If you and Jeff were to wear THAT on Sunday, I think I would have to cover MY eyes with sack cloth...