Thursday, July 17, 2008

prayer power

I took an opportunity to pray with two of my staff this week- -one of which was in crisis . I know that the Spirit prompted me as I set up a "if this condition is this way, then I'll know you want me to do this" situation; i got my answer and the three of us prayed away from other staff- -the tears flowed and my "crisis" person received the ...peace that passes all understanding...and thanked us. I then referred Her to Pastor Jeff who gave Her much needed advise and She has had a different perspective for the balance of the week. Obeying like this is not easy and i'm not trying to pat myself on the back or anything like that, but to listen to the prompts, take a risk, and obey is what can really make the difference to those that need help desperately! Jeff Mangum

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Old Testament

I have really been enjoying the podcasts. Thank you podcast marshall Mike! I love how your personality comes through. You are so very funny.

My favorite has been the parts featuring the Old Testament. There are so many amazing stories that took place so long ago yet are so relevant for us today. You do a very good job of giving an overview that kind of ties everything together. Growing up as a kid I heard most of the main stories but we jumped all around so it was really helpful to me how you helped things to fit into a timeline of sorts.

As far as what I'd like to hear.......................I'm good with anything! Lots of help right?????

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What the Heaven

Well, I see the last podcast has been posted on Itunes.  These last two have been difficult to do, mostly because we have so little descriptive information about both Heaven and Hell.  It was also difficult because the basic concepts are hard for us to fathom.  Just the ideas of eternity and total joy are impossible for us to really understand.
I have taken a little different approach in dealing with hell.  I'm interested to know what your thoughts are about this topic, and how the podcast covered it.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Blog time

Alright, it's time to get this Blog off the ground. I think it's easiest to start with questions and comments. What have been the best podcasts? Now I know they're all really really really really good, but I mean, which one has best helped you grow in your new life. If none of them have, please post your comment on Pastor Jeff's Blog. For me, it was the Old Testament walk-through. It's such an incredible book, and it's the foundation of our faith.

Are there questions that the podcasts have brought up, but not answered?

What are some areas we should cover in the upcoming Podcasts?

Do you like the flower/plant picture logo?

I am super looking forward to hearing from all of you. Yes, I mean super looking forward to.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Falling Asleep

Well, I did it again. I went to bed the other night with the best of intentions to pray. However, during the middle of the prayer, I must have drifted off to sleep. I woke up feeling guilty that I didn't have enough energy to speak to my Father, bringing before Him my praises and the desires of my heart. It was then that I remembered something that a dear friend told me years ago. She said that we should not be ashamed when we drift off to sleep during prayer. After all, we are speaking to our Father while we are snuggled up in comfy, warm blankets and a cozy house provided by Him. He is a father who is our biggest fan, who loves us no matter what our situation, and who loves that we have made Him the last person that we want to say goodnight to. She painted a picture in my mind that I have always loved. She told that it was times that we fall asleep in prayer that we have climbed into our Daddy's lap and been so safe and secure that we have simply nodded off fallen asleep.

I have promised myself to make more of a commitment to pray throughout the day... but if I should be sitting on my Father's lap, like every child of God can, I will not feel guilty if I should happen to fall asleep.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Building fires that last

Good evening all--

I have been wondering if you all have the same experience I have when building and tending a fire. It seems, when you leave a fire alone; it has a tendency to burn out. Yet, if you keep messing with it, moving it around, putting hot logs where cold logs are; it keeps going.

This reminds me of my God journey. When I do not tend to it; my Christian life has a tendency to grow cold. When I do not actively move to the a warm place, I tend to grow cold.

For tonight, let me encourage all of us to move toward the embers.

And, for me the embers are other folks in the body.

Warm members who keep me ignited.

The whole fire analogy is about the body of Christ.

Stay close. Tuck yourselves in. Admit you may not have all the flame yourself.

That is ok. That is really perfect.

That is why the body exists.

Climb into another's flame. Rest there. And, then, ignite another.

That is what real fire does.

Do not forsake assembling yourselves together.

Wow. Bible verse and real life fire. Nice.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Outcast Gets Ousted!

Dateline: North Pole

Thanks to a Vancouver, WA podcast - Rudolph "red nose" Reindeer was arrested today. Charged with running over Wilma "grandma" Smith, the calamitous caribou (see photo) was additionally charged with resisting arrest and assaulting three elves.

A witness to the event, Perry Penguin exclaimed, "It's a relief to finally have this ruddy terror off the streets... but I hope it's not foggy next week!"

(Thanks for the great podcast Mike!)

Saturday, December 15, 2007


I took Abby for breakfast this morning during the musical practice. As we were eating there was a man with a black baseball cap that said "WWII Veteran".

As we ate, I kept glancing at this elderly man who was sitting there. Alone.

Now I'm really conscious about staring at people and I don't like getting caught... So I tried to make quick glances.

Abby takes a LONG time to eat so it didn't surprise me when he was ready to go before we were. He walked past us and as he was about to leave I got a chance to say "Thank you for your service." and ask, "What branch did you serve in?"

"The Army." He said quickly and finished throwing away the containers on his tray.

I really didn't expect him to say much more... but I'm very thankful for the men and women who've sacrificed so much so that I (and much of the world) can enjoy the freedom I have today.

As I was turning back around to engage my three year old, he came over and stood next to me and shared a little of his story...

"It was December 15. Me and the other men were really excited about potentially going home for Christmas. But unfortunately, the Germans had other plans."

He looked at me for just a second, "Did you read about the Battle of the Bulge in school?"

I said, "Yes." and he looked off again as if to remember something a little too painful.

"I don't know if I can make it through this." He began to choke up, but continued.

"The Germans planned a big offensive that really caught the Allies off guard. Within three days, many men lost their lives and we sadly realized that we weren't coming home for Christmas this year."

"Many men were wounded and could not get medical help, so they froze to death. I lost part of my foot to frost bite. A LOT of men died."

He paused for a moment... "I hate December."

I grabbed his shoulder for a second as he began to shuffle away and once again said "Thank you... Thanks for sharing a moment of your life with me."


All I could do is sit there and try to keep the tears from coming. What he'd seen, experienced and lived through... the sacrifice. It was a heavy moment.

In the midst of all the hustle and bustle this Christmas...Remember.

Writing this made me think of some lyrics by Chris Rice.

Tears are falling, hearts are breaking.
How we need to hear from God.
You've been promised, we've been waiting,
Welcome, holy Child,
Welcome, holy Child.

Hope that You don't mind our manger,
How I wish we would have known.
But long awaited holy Stranger,
Make Yourself at home,
Please make Yourself at home.

Bring Your peace into our violence,
Bid our hungry souls be filled.
Word now breaking heaven's silence,
Welcome to our world,
Welcome to our world.

Fragile finger sent to heal us,
Tender brow prepared for thorn,
Tiny heart whose blood will save us,
Unto us is born,
Unto us is born.

So wrap our injured flesh around You,
Breathe our air and walk our sod.
Rob our sin and make us holy,
Perfect Son of God,

Perfect Son of God... Welcome to our world.

It's been a while since I've seen such pain... and carried for so long. The "holidays" may bring with it a ton of emotions including pain, hate, fear and agony. However, through that pain God gave us His healing, His love, His peace, His Life.

I'm looking forward to running into this man again... and listening some more.

Thanks for taking the time to read what I've shared.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

A question for anyone

Hi- I have been waiting for someone, anyone to post a comment on here, to get things going, but then I thought "what if they are waiting for someone to start it off too?" You can see where that would lead us, so I will be the brave one.

I am not a new Christian, but there are times when I am not as close to Christ as I want to be. I have always felt it was like a roller-coaster track. Sometimes I am so close to God, and I just know that is where I want to spend all of my days, then it seems like the track drops off and it starts the period of time that I am far away. I guess my questions are these- Why? Am I so weak/dumb/selfish/scared that I sabotage the best relationship I have ever known? Is it hunam nature? Am I the only one this happens to?

Thanks for reading this- let me know what you think-


Saturday, December 1, 2007

A New Life has begun

New life in Christ.  New life in relationship with God.  It can be confusing, it can be freaky, it can be tough; but it's always good.  Let's figure it out together.  I hope the podcasts and this blog will help tons... no, droves... no, populations... dare I say, every living man and woman, find a stronger, closer and more effective walk with the Lord.   If you have questions, log them here.  If you have comments, log them here.  This is a great way to grow together in Christ.

                                                                                                  Mike Hoffman